A downloadable asset pack

Dear Nova (and not-Novas):

Here is some stuff you might be able to use in a 3D tilemap (gridmap)!

It's a forest-y tileset with some other objects I made when to appease my stream viewers.  Please use or modify anything in any way you may like.  Everything was made by me in Blender (2.93) and Godot (4, beta 11), with the exception of the shader that the toon shaders are based on, which you can find here: https://godotshaders.com/shader/flexible-toon-shader/

The Godot project doesn't really do anything except display the assets, but it has some placeholder materials you're welcome to reuse if you like.  The materials used by the grass and water have a little motion built in, but everything is pretty basic toon shading.

You can credit me as Earend if you like but it's totally not necessary.

Update 2023-01-15:

I decided to update the forest tilemap I did for Chill Vibes Jam 1.  I realize this may be a little cheatery, but I wanted to do a big update to Sokobear for my dev project this time so I needed to include the old stuff to make that possible.  I've put in some new things though, so if you'd like to focus on only NEW assets here they are:

- soldier character

- wizard character

- archer character

- signpost

- beehive

- toque (aka Maddie's Hat)

- baby bear has a face and animations now (they are scuffed, enjoy!)

Update 2023-12-17

Sorry this is so late this time!  I wanted to add a few things and make this available again for Chill Vibes Jam 3, so I've added a house, chair, table, campfire, and large mug that is legally distinct from the Tankard of Terror from World of Warcraft.

Update 2025-01-31

Hello again!  I made a few new assets for Chill Vibes Jam 4, this time themed around garden decorations.  My workflow has arguably gotten weirder so I'll explain how the assets in the CVJ4 folder work right now.  They were made in Blender using this Pixel-Palette material from Imphenzia, so rather than actually painting textures on these meshes the UVs are mapped directly to colours on this palette.  Hopefully this is useful for your jam project but if you need to unwrap normally and do your own thing I get it.  I didn't include these assets in the sample project because Imphenzia actually provides sample projects and materials for Blender/Godot/Unity/Unreal here: https://imphenzia-free.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/imphenzia-pixpal-1.2.zip

PS Sorry/you're welcome for the pinwheel animation, chat convinced me that I had to include it as is.


CVJ4.zip 57 MB

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